Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Franklin & Marshall Football 10-30-10

It felt great to shoot football at something other than 10,000iso under old, dark, cycling HS stadium lights for a change. What a beautiful day to spend roaming the sidelines.


  1. Stellar Sir! Great anti-gravity shots. Matt Roth is right, people (and peak action pics) do look best when flying.

  2. Nice work, Ryan! Love number 35! Manual focus or just dumb luck?

  3. I really like # 33. I can't figure out how he got underneath to grab his leg, or how you shot it, but I Like it!!!

  4. Thanks guys!

    #35- I prefocused on the holder and hoped for an opening in the line. I actually try this often hoping to catch the kicker, as occasionally the line will open up and reveal him. This is one of my better efforts, and resulted in a different look at what was the game winning field goal! One of my favorite shots of the day.

    #33- He actually leaped over the defenders, so the guy on the ground was trying desperately to stop the run. He was unsuccessful...
