Thursday, January 14, 2010

Chris & Kendall 12-12-09

Beautiful location, a great group of people, and of course an awesome couple. These are my favorite images from a hectic, but beautiful day. Congratulations again guys! And thanks to Sinclair for lending me his 85mm 1.4... what an incredible piece of glass.


  1. Images 43 & 44...

    Is the backlight, a flash or headlights on a car, or what?

  2. Its a flash on a small stand behind them. Follow the direction of the shadow to see where it was located. Its comes into play for image 42 as well...

  3. Gorgeous my friend. Very personal. Did you light the church? How many Human light stands did you have to rent?

  4. Thank you sir. I shot strictly ambient for the ceremony. The 85mm 1.4 was a definitely a huge help! With image #30, I caught someone else's flash, so I toned it in Lightroom and turned it into a happy accident!

    Oh, and I left all my HLSs at home... I had to use plain old regular stands, and I've gotta say, they don't listen very well!!!!

  5. Very nice work. Do you shoot weddings often?

  6. Thanks Dave! I usually shoot a few wedding each year. I don't really push them too much... relying mainly on word of mouth and recommendations from past clients. It usually keeps any issues or surprises to a minimum

  7. Yea, I knew the direction of the light, I just didn't know if it was something you set up, or if it was just a fortuitous location of a different light source that you just took advantage of. Good stuff.

  8. Every time I look through just a few of my photos I am more and more in love with them.

  9. I'm so glad you are happy with how everything turned out! It was a beautiful day, and I'm just glad I could do it justice with my images. Thanks again!!!
